Fallout new vegas the machine
Fallout new vegas the machine

fallout new vegas the machine

The high strength is also needed due to another reason - a fully loaded drum magazine contains 200 rounds and weighs 5.2 pounds. Note that it is a top tier Guns weapon, requiring a maxed-out weapons skill (100) and 8 Strength to wield without penalties. Especially when used properly, aiming down its iron sights, rather than fired from the hip, when its spread is fairly high. The combination of good refire rate, magazine capacity, base damage, and reload speed results in excellent crowd control properties. The LMG is one of the best weapons when it comes to pure damage per second. While taken together it can be clunky, especially for a weaker operator, it provides excellent firepower in the field and more than makes up for its deficiencies. The barrel itself can be released and quickly swapped out using the prominent latch, though since the front sight post is permanently fixed to the barrel, replacing it also means that the weapon loses accuracy due to losing its zero.

fallout new vegas the machine fallout new vegas the machine

A barrel shroud additionally protects the operator from accidentally burning themselves on a hot barrel during barrel changes. įor portability and ease of use, it was manufactured entirely from metal with wood used as the grip and front handguard. The weapon fires from an open bolt, reducing the danger of rounds cooking off and firing uncontrollably after firing prolonged bursts. The light machine gun is a bulky weapon designed around a gas-actuated long-stroke piston system, providing reliable round extraction after each shot.

Fallout new vegas the machine